just going through the queue burning off some dusty ones sitting in there. This one is an odd one that I am still intrigued with enough to post.
Every time I am in the kitchen for a snack, the cat thinks she is entitled to a snack too.
My photo of my sister’s cat is now starring as a greeting card for Father’s Day by Avanti Cards.
Cloudy admiring the blizzard of 2011. You know by me calling it the Blizzard of 2011 ensures that we have no more blizzards this year.
Roid week this time is frustrating me. My Spectra is giving me faint washed out photos and the old passport camera is giving me black photos. I fear I will use up all my film trying to trouble shoot it.
This is really a photo of Cloudy on her 5th birthday. She was confused as to why I was serving her tuna on the table