Blue cheesecake
We had a hankering for some cheesecake. Right before we poured it in the pan Hollace said we should turn it blue–so we did. It was yummy.
yellow on blue
Hollace was cutting out her “creature coins” from this piece of yellow paper. I couldn’t resist the color, shape and shadow against the blue wall.
lake and tree
I love the sky when it is windy. I usually refer to it as a great photo sky. Normally it is blue with crazy puffy clouds but in this case at least for the moment this picture was taken, it looked like this.
I so wished I had my wide angle lens for this shot cause I couldn’t step back enough to capture everything. I was too lazy to run back to the campsite to go and get it.
Here is RAW and Hollace sitting on the pier at the campground getting ready to fish. You see the sparkles in the water? That is the wind. It was a very windy cold day.
layers of texture on the water
I just liked all the different layers of texture on the water going on. How many layers do you see?
Flowering tree – Polaroid
I didn’t post this yet did I? This is one of the prettiest of the Polaroids I took during ‘Roid09 week.
Rockem Sockem
Red wins!
This week is ‘Roid Week so all I shot this week was Polaroid. I am down to my last 2 packs then that is it, no more Polaroids and I can put my Spectra in my camera museum.
Creepy Baby 2
Score! Creepy Baby comes home. Hollace found Creepy Baby on the street by that mailbox and brought him home to me.
Apparently Creepy Baby’s former life was as a Christmas ornament. He has wings and a loop on his head for hanging. I wonder if he ever had clothes.
Creepy baby
I found this little angel (you can’t see his wings here) by our little beach. I put it back on top of the newspaper box when I was done. Tomorrow however, I am so going back and taking him home. I hope he is still there.