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February 03, 2007

Just go la-la-la

This week found me falling into the same pitaful funk I had last week only I didn't have anything stressful at the time.

Actually this week started out with an all day training on communication. I was feeling less stress about that than I was over the animation job I mentioned in my last post.

In this class I found out nothing new. I am a introvert but so seems most of CN. It was basically divided up in 4 quandrants, Extrovert/Thinker, Extrovert/Feeler, Introvert/Feeler (me) and Introvert/Thinker. I had a goodly amount of Introvert/Thinker in me too. My boss had the same score as me as well.

They reassigned the seats by your "color" and I was next to Dan (which I often felt was very similar to me in temperment). On the other side was Jim, the guy who shares the same start day with me. I was a little surprised cause I would figure he was an extrovert. Then there was Tim next to him which was really a surprise, I would call him a Extrovert/Thinker (opposite on the wheel). Later he told me he just filled in the answers with no regard to what they said. That explains things. He said he was cheating the system, yeah right ;-)

The class was alright and not too painful. Each of our 4 main team members all fell in each of the quadrants which I found interesting.

Anyway, on Tuesday, I nervously await word on what Rebecca thought of my fretted on animation. She loved it and had only minor changes. Phew.

By the end of the week I started to feel that anxious dread. On Friday however I started singing la-la-la in my head to drown out the self doubt and move past it. It seemed to work. That day I had to put on my creative hat and design something wonderful. I hemmed and hawed and procrastinated but as soon as I finally got started, it started to flow. Whether or not anyone else likes it, I don't care. Don't you like the turn around? ;-)

It is cold out. Zero degrees when I last looked. I never got out of my bathrobe, hunkering down. Hollace was sick with a sore throat and fever on Thursday and Friday but is fine now. I just made her write a note to Haley in Tennessee and you would of thought I was asking her to poke her eyes out with a fork. Oh the torture.